Sunday mornings have always been my favorite day of the week, as it lends itself to self reflection, rest, wiping the slate clean, and piecing together something new. I’ve had this puzzle I’ve been intending to put together for a while, so today decided I’d finally spend some time tackling it. There are so many pieces! As I was going through the box, I noticed some pieces were joined together that were not meant to be, some pieces had their corners damaged a bit, and as there were so many pieces, I fought back feeling overwhelmed, like where do I even begin to start?
Let’s start with the border of the puzzle, the straight edges that will give it structure. I call it boundaries. The framework to a life you will rely on as you piece together everything in the middle. Then I moved to like patterns and color schemes. The beautiful parts of life that build interest and design, and help to develop the images in the masterpiece as it’s coming together.
Much like life, putting all the pieces together won’t happen in one day. It took years for me to even arrive to the idea that now was the time to start. I reimagine now that I have begun, it won’t take me as long to finish putting the rest of the puzzle together.